Can DayZai be tricked into using a custom Chernarus map ?

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Can DayZai be tricked into using a custom Chernarus map ?

I originally posted this in the Overwatch section of 'Requests'.

How easy (if possible at all) for a user to trick DayZai into using the Overwatch Dayz Chernarus map ?
Or maps from servers you have joined (it downloads them when you connect to a server with a custom map, doesn't it ?)
Or even Chernarus with extra added buildings I have added myself in the Editor ?

Would it just be a matter of replacing certain files in some of the PBOs and recompiling them ?
If it is possible, what files in what PBO would I need to replace ?

I really cannot stomach vanilla Chernarus anymore.
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Re: Can DayZai be tricked into using a custom Chernarus map ?
