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ikonow theres already an thread about it, but i think its not that im looking for.
i just want to increase the Size of backpacks, for an example the coyote backpack has 50 places instead of 24.i dont get the file, im searching in dayz_code and found this:scope = 2;
                displayName = "Backpack (coyote)";
                picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_CA.paa";
                icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
                mapsize = 2;
                model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us.p3d";
                transportMaxWeapons = 6;
                transportMaxMagazines = 24;

So, how can i change this? i already tried to change it, with no luck.
can u help me please?:>

the path is "C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArmA 2\@DayZi\addons\dayz_code.pbo"
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Re: Backpacks

changing the magazine amount should increase the capacity of the bag most likely, not sure havent tried myself tho.