I'm not entirely certain Arma3 has an ACTUAL dayz mod ... I seen "exile" , and Breaking Point ( which i think went down ) , and a few other mods. I think there's a form of Epoch on Arma3 ... but I hadn't seen any videos on it yet.
Someone commented on reddit, the Ravage mod didn't work, and no one has updated/fixed it. I've went back and forth on getting arma3 , which I will once I get a new gaming comp ... but thats a ways away still. But things I looked at I like about arma3 ... you can much easier create your own "survival" missions in it. Zombies seem easy to add into any thing arma3 ... With Zeus ... you can dynamically "game master" missions for players ... AI seem to behave better too ... a lot less "zig-zag running" by AI , though they seem to head-shot aimbot just as bad ... Everyone I talk to about Arma3 says they hate the Altis and Stratis maps ... these maps remind me more of Sahrani ... which I adore as a arma2 map/island ... You can always do the "all in arma" mod and gain all the older arma2 maps anyways. Everything but Taviana ( at least legally it seems) as the origins guys are doing thier own "standalone" , and do not want updated competition for die-hard players. ( from how I understand it) ... which is great in my eyes, cause Taviana is one of the crappiest maps/islands anyone ever designed in arma2. I have to look at Arma3 as a potential candidate , for user end "creation" of missions and using mods to enhance those missions into creating your own experiences, as it seems from looking from the outside in ... to be way more supportive of such. Fufilling the same desires in Arma2 , can only go so far ... over a third of content you can look at for Arma2 , is badly outdated. Some is not compatible with others, and you do tend to find many broken links, websites no longer exist, and content creators that quit thier projects, leaving us with broken or buggy content that will never improve or get fixed. Other aspects I like from observation on Arma3 , which seems to get mega complaints from anyone from the arma2 community , is that Arma3 features quite a bit of "futuristic" like things, and fictitious "armies" ... I for one , like sci-fi , and non-standard real-mil spec things, ... so that doesn't put me off much. It looks like arma3 has capabilities to fully customize your "flavor" regardless ... the "fashion" is set by you, what you want out of it. I think , I heard though the arma3 controls are quite a bit different than arma2 controls ... which is my greatest "fear" of getting the game. I'm so used to Arma2 controls, and keys ... "learning" a new control system seems off-putting. I know I can just key-bind controls how I like em, but that takes time too ... I'd just have to see about that. I think as soon as I'm able to, I'm gonna hop over to arma3 ... I know I said I wasn't , that I would stay in Arma2 ... because I'm stuck with what I have anyways. If DayZ standalone was better ... , now mind you the latest version of Standalone isn't horrible or "bad" , there's just not a lot of players , and it's still a completely "nomadic" survival simulator , meaning you gotta walk/run everywhere, and all across the map ... It lacks any kind of endgame, it lacks reliable storage , reliable vehicles ... and it's greatest fail point, lacks any kind of base building still. Plus, right now ... you still cannot customize DayZ standalone. You are stuck with developer created content, even renting your own server ... Until DayZ devs , open up modding ... for user end customization, it will remain that way. Not only are many of Standalone's sub-systems annoyingly aggravating , with no mean sto remove or tweak those ... it is also very, very boring game. As it stands , PvP is it's only "excitement" , and thats not even that great in standalone. Plus, I still stand behind my stance, that DayZ should not be entirely focused around PvP "battle royale" aspects ... , some PvP is fine ... but not all there is to the game. So, looks like Arma3 is on the horizon for me at least ... I've gotten to the point, with-out becoming a BIS engine expert , a self taught modder, and map/island maker ... I'll never be able to force arma2 to do what I want it to do. I doubt I truely get any "farther" with Arma3 in that sense ... but, it does seem to already have scripts, content pre-done, that I've wanted in Arma2 ... already done and available. Most of it, looks very "plug and play" ... and it's still got support, so hitting a road-block , people still help and guide ya. |
As I mentioned in the other thread, I've played around with Arma 3 quite a bit with DayZ related experiences.
I think Arma 3 could give you a fresher experience but TBH, if your computer is struggling with Arma 2, A3 will murderize it. It has prettier graphics than A2 but it's still a clunky mess in the same way. Anyone who has been in Georgetown on Tanoa will know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, there's been some improvement with the release of x64 patches and it it is better than A2, but it comes at a price. |
Eric what's your super-honest assesment of Arma3 "dayz" ... I understand there's alot out there that technically isn't "dayz" just a facimilie ... but you know what I mean.
( I can run DayZ standalone just fine, just can't connect MP worth a crap ... I didn't think Arma3 would be any more taxing than arma2 or standalone ... I thought arma3 would improve performance/optimization ... ) |
Well, technically, it is good. It is missing the "magic" of the A2 DayZ experience but it can be crafted into a reasonable experience. If you've seen any of Frankie's A3 DayZ (on the Esseker or Tanoa maps) videos then you'll see what the A3 experience can be but it's heavily customized. You can, for the most part, create this yourself with readily available mods but in SP (as I created it), you'll be having a good time but missing the dynamism of the MP interaction. Nothing in A3 can fill DayZ Mod shoes - but it fills it's own shoes quite nicely. Last I saw, Standalone (or "DayZ" as it's now called), was a better performer than A3. Mind-you, a lot of features were disabled for the "stress test" - how ironic. However, I haven't played A3 since it went x64 but I have seen people playing x64 servers and there has been a massive improvement in performance. A3 still suffers from some of the same problems has A2 with "clunky" game-play mechanics but there has been slow improvement - for example, being able to keep moving while changing weapons. The real benefit of A3 is relevance - everything is still supported and works well for the most part. The Exile mod which is the base for most mods (be they Wasteland style, zombies, plain old PVP) is very stable and brings so much functionality. I'd strongly recommend picking it up but only on sale (or humble bundle) and do try to get all DLC. Arma 3 is coming to an end, there are rumors that staff have been reallocated and the start of the Arma 4 development is the suspected reason. LOL, it just occurred to me that I've never actually played Arma 3 itself but only mods for it. ![]() |
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