Another Request

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Another Request

I have a friend named someguy who has made a custom map.

It has

Firehouses in towns where they should be.

Supermarkets in different places.

3 Barracks in Cherno field hospital's.

And alot of barracks in NWAF

it contains alot of stuff and I feel we should have a version of DaiZy with the map my friend made it is quite a good map.
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Re: Another Request

PursuedGamer wrote
I have a friend named someguy who has made a custom map.

It has

Firehouses in towns where they should be.

Supermarkets in different places.

3 Barracks in Cherno field hospital's.

And alot of barracks in NWAF

it contains alot of stuff and I feel we should have a version of DaiZy with the map my friend made it is quite a good map.

I'm pretty sure this is linked on my BreakingPoint post.
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Re: Another Request

What do you mean?