3dp invisinle player

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3dp invisinle player

 Hey all, love the work so far :)

 Just downloaded and sorted out the DaiZy mod, all good, runs fine. Only a couple of hiccups so far - when i change skins via the Kronzky Support Call my player turned invisible. I tried restarting so i respawned a new player but he is still invisible in 3dp.

 The only other major glitch so far is when i use support call, the Hercules that drops the chute screams in at a million miles an hour and plows into the ground bouncing off miles into the distance , the chute with the object still deploys but i am left with a pile of Herc craters everytime i use the support.

 Any ideas ?

 My setup is exactly the same as per the instructions on the DaiZy addon page, the only thing i had to do to get DaiZy initially to work was to copy the Addons folder over from ArmaII into Operation Arrowhead as i got the content deleted chernarus error. I have had to do this for several of the other addons so single mission scenarios work like I44 etc.

keep up the good work :)


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Re: 3dp invisinle player

Reinstall kron cheat module. If still problematic then contact the author as it isnt the DaiZy mission bug.
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Re: 3dp invisinle player

 Ok cheers :)