1.7.6 error

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1.7.6 error

ok so i went back to version 1.7.6 and when i go to play it i get this error message  picture \z\addons\dayz_communitayassets\pictures\equip_2shells_slugshot_ca.paa not found and i carnt see 2round slugs or pellets whats going on with the game
my real names Zero my online name is Zero and but some how in hell my account name ended up as randr28 hmmm  
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Re: 1.7.6 error

How did you go back to version 1.7.6? Did you use DayZ Commander? And did you reinstall DaiZy after you did this?
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Re: 1.7.6 error

i just added the daizy code and daizy anime to the daizy folder addons and it changes your version this is how i did it it its work for me ever since i got the game in the first place
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Re: 1.7.6 error

randr28 wrote
i just added the daizy code and daizy anime to the daizy folder addons and it changes your version this is how i did it it its work for me ever since i got the game in the first place
It may have worked for you earlier, but alot has changed lately. You need a entirely clean copy of 1.7.6. Google it, you will find it quickly I bet.

EDIT: There you go, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125577-dayz-mod-176-update/
Only took 15 seconds.
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Re: 1.7.6 error

thanks guy keep up the good work the game is really getting there almost like an entire game of its own. in my mind this is the first dayz standalone good going